Concealed Carry

Concealed Carry Informational:

The Kansas Personal and Family Protection Act, which permits the carrying of concealed handguns by licensed Kansas citizens, became law on July 1, 2006. The first licenses were issued in January 2007. Applicants for the concealed carry license must acknowledge that the permit is being obtained for personal protection.

Applicant Requirements: Concealed carry license applicants must be:

  • 21 years of age;
  • A citizen of the United States;
  • A resident of Kansas for six months prior to application, and;
  • A resident of the county where applying.

Concealed Carry Signage

Concealed handguns may be prohibited on certain properties by placing appropriate signage in a visible location at the entry of the premises. For complete signage details, and to download the appropriate graphic, visit the Concealed Carry page on

Application Process

  • Must complete an 8-hour weapons safety and training course and obtain a certificate of completion from a certified instructor.
  • Processing the application and issuing the license approval takes a minimum of 45 days, but by law cannot exceed 90 days.
  • The county Sheriff will fingerprint the applicant and forward the entire packet to the Attorney General for processing.
  • Fill out a 4-page application form and attach a 2″x 2″ passport type color photograph.
  • Acquire two cashier’s check s or money orders made payable to the county Sheriff ($32.50).
  • Submit in person the completed application with photo, training certificate, and checks to the Sheriff in the county of residence.

Step 1: Complete the online application and print a copy.

Step 2: Take the application copy with required items to the sheriff’s office to complete the application process. *Appointments must be made in order to meet with the Sheriff or Undersheriff to complete this process.

Step 3: Upon approval of the application, you will be directed to pick up your Concealed Carry license at the local drivers license station.

Concealed Carry Kansas regulations – FAQ, statutes, information for active duty military personnel & more!